Zoning Commission Meeting on December 19, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.

Zoning Commission Meeting on December 19, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.

Zoning Commission Meeting on December 19, 2023 at 7:00 P.M. at the Scioto Township Service Center.

Members Present: Chair Weatherhead, Hamilton, and Scott

Chair Weatherhead called the meeting to order.

Scott made a motion for the November 21, 2023 minutes to be approved and Weatherhead seconded. Vote:  All Yes

Attorney Pete Griggs was in attendance.

This Hearing is in regards to the acceptance of the planning of Graham Ravines, which would be located on the corner of Commercial Point Road and Graham Road.

Pickaway County Planning Commission recommends for the rezoning of the 72 acres only. 

There is a different parcel than the application has on it. This is a gray area with numbers not matching. Inspector Jahn believes that the application number is correct.   Attorney Griggs said to go by the application number. 

Weatherhead asked Griggs if many R1 lots acres exceed measurements.  It needs to go to the Platting Commission.  The Plat would make sure that each lot is adequate.

PURD is not R1.  Each lot of the 72 acres would have to comply.

R1 lots are to be no less than 1 acre and no more than 5 acres.

David Hodge the lawyer for owners who want Graham Ravine said that they want to change from Ag to R1 district and that each of the lots would comply the regulations. He said that the Conceptional Plan would be 2-4 acres for each home and they would be nice quality homes.  There would be nice landscaping.  If this is passed then the next step would be to go to Regional planning Commission.   They will go by the standards in the township code for R1 lots.

Jahn asked about the Zoning Process.  For those against the new construction to file a petition there needs to be a 15% referendum for the people.  They have 30 days after if the Trustees would approve this.

Real Estate is to be used by the owner how they want to use their land.

Will a study be done first is a question, creates envelopes if changed.  Other concerns are: storm water (will be studied) and basins and the   quantity and quality of the water after it goes back in.  The people are worried about what is going in the creek from the retention.  The retention pond would only run out as it should.  If this land gets rezoned then no one could do anything about how the area would be developed.

The Pickaway County Engineer said that the Platting Commission would study how the traffic is in the area and if there would need to be a turn lane.

Perry Dowdy, Commercial Point Road wants to know about what is being built.

Shared Drives are not allowed (Jahn said that it changed and is allowed)

Some worries are about people’s wells and if they would be protected and the tiles. 

Doug Heming-discussed how control is taken away if rezoned.  He had a bridge that got washed out from 1 new house. Safety issues and concerns that wrecks may happen.  He asked the board to not rush their decision.

Suzanne Compton- upset that she did not get notified.

Those within 200 feet of the proposed building are the ones who get notified.  It was wondered why the meeting was not posted online.

Judy Beckman—brought a petition opposing the changing of Ag to R1. She had 98 handwritten signatures and 72 on line.  She had 5 concerns (1)-overcrowding of schools (2)-traffic and road upkeep (3)-depleting water supply (4)-destroy the wildlife (5)-noise and pollution.

Pollution of the creek and the livestock that drinks from it. 

Jan Stevens- This is an incredibly dangerous intersection and some drivers do not know that there is an intersection.  There are blind hills for entering and exiting.  She worries that new residents will change oil, etc. and have a runoff go in the creek and it will hurt her pond or the wildlife

Perry Dowdy- There is a lot of speeders on Commercial Point Road.  He said that he does not want more housed near him.  If only people would build a few and not a lot.   A concern was about room for emergency vehicles

Chair Weatherhead said that he does not want to tell people what to do with their land.

Does the people have assurance that it will be built the way the plans say if it is rezoned.  Hodge said they could say 30 houses only if passed.  Attorney Griggs says that you can not place conditions on straight district.  You can on planned district.  So there is no assurance what will be built if passed.

Don Lowry- wondered about having wider roads.  The County Engineer is the one who decides to widen the road.

Would there be enough room for the septic and water on the lots.

It was mentioned about lowering the speed limit in this area and that is up the County Engineer.

A decision will be made on 1-16-24.  Not comfortable making decision tonight.  Motion for this made by Scott and seconded by Hamilton.  Vote: All Yes

No public comments will be taken about the Graham Ravine at this meeting, only a decision.

There will be a meeting to decide on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

Chair Weatherhead made a motion to adjourn this meeting and Scott seconded.  Vote: All Yes

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